Well, it's been another week of ups and downs here at the Chang house hold. On Monday it was back to the Oncologist for a check on the blood, kidneys, etc. After a very rough weekend it turned out I had lost 12 pounds in a week. Seriously I would have won BIGGEST LOSER! Before even drawing blood they had me hooked up to the IV pumping me with fluid. When the Doc came in to follow up he said he was putting me on a feeding tube as soon as possible. At the beginning this was discussed as a worst case scenario, however as the doctor appointments continued on Monday it turns out that it was more likely than not that I would be on feeding tube.
Tuesday morning it was back to the hospital. Dad Chang and I checked in at 8:15 and the procedure which we knew nothing about was supposed to be at 9:15. At noon I was still waiting to be taken to the OR. The lack of communication from department to department, physician to patient, physician to nurse is astounding. If any of us worked that way we would be fired. Finally after demanding answers I was taken back to the OR at 12:26.
I was out of the OR at 1:25 and up to my room shortly there after. This hospital stay was much more restful even though a little painful. Amazingly having a C-Section in May has helped prepare for the hole in my abdomen.
On Wednesday the nurse showed me how to feed myself. And as soon as she left promptly threw everything up...again. Luckily they still let me go home. Since then I've only thrown up once which is miraculous.
Amazingly when this all started I thought not eating would be the most difficult part. As an amateur foodie I couldn't imagine not being able to eat solid food. Really it's not too bad. Don't get me wrong I'm looking forward to the day when my throat isn't sore and my taste returns to normal but for now I'll just take keeping everything down.
A big shout out too New Jersey Mama and family! Thanks for the Sorbet and the cranberry juice tip. Seems that by adding just a couple splashes of cranberry juice to water it tastes like water again.
Today I was supposed to have a CT Scan to determine how many Radiation treatments were left. Sadly the machine was down. So tomorrow morning at 11:00 we'll try again. If my calculations were correct it should be 19 let's hope it's fewer!
Keep your fingers crossed!
Holy cow! 12 lbs in one week? That is SO not good. Now I see why the doc wanted you to gain weight - it must've been what he was expecting.
ReplyDeleteSorry that you have a feeding tube, but let's keep you as healthy as possible under the circumstances.
I really admire you, with your amazingly positive attitude despite how sh***y you must feel and all the unknowns, etc.
Hang in there! I know you can do it!
Thinking about you so often. Hang in there rockstar! You got this! :)
ReplyDeleteErin O.
I have been following your blog and have finally decided to come out of the woodwork and post! I hope that after your scan - your treatments were decreased!
ReplyDeleteI have been keeping you and Baby Chang in my thoughts and prayers over these last few weeks!!
It awfully amazing that more people don't get sicker in the hospital than already do. When I was in the ER a few weeks back the nurse came to take me for a CT scan. What? Since when am I having a CT scan, the doctor just left saying I would have a chest X ray and then start the antibiotics, what changed? She insisted the orders said a CT scan so I said, ok, let's talk to the doctor. Nope, he keyed the order in wrong. Wow. Imagine if I was alone, or more out of it than I had been! Sending good thoughts and hoping for less than 19 treatments to go!