Saturday, August 20, 2011

End of Summer

I have officially seen the signs that summer is over.  All of my life I've lived on an academic calendar.  My parents (and most of my Aunts and Uncles) were teachers so we always had summers off together.  Though I've worked most summers since my senior year in high school I've always had that back to the real world feeling come the end of August beginning of September.

One of the most significant signs of the end of summer as a kid was the start of football practice.  Dad Chang was a football coach and then football ref until retirement.  That was when he had to go back to work each summer and the traveling ended.  Well last week at Bemidji State I watched the Beavers hit the practice field for two a day practices.

Today as I was running through the St. Cloud State campus it was Welcome Back/Move-in Day.  The Freshman were moving into their dorms while upper classmen were out directing traffic.  A sure sign summer is over.

Next Wednesday Baby Chang and I return to Houston.  Where the heat will make it feel like the middle of July, the chores and appointments will surely signify the end of summer vacation.  Baby Chang will head back to daycare and I will be back at work before we know it.

It has been an amazing, crazy, travel-filled summer but now it's time to get back to the "real world".

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that your summer is ending but it sounds like you have had a great one - on so many levels!
