Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Turning a Corner

Well, I've turned another recovery corner this week and so far so good. Monday night I took off the pain patch. So far no pain (except when the dry mountain air gets to me), no hallucinations and no vomiting. I realize that the medication is probably still coursing through me but it's off to a good start.

I also have taken over nighttime duties for Baby Chang. This was a big step as she still doesn't sleep through the night and often doesn't sleep in her own bed. Although who could blame her the portable bed she's in has no soft mattress like the big bed or a warm Mommy to snuggle with. So Grandma Chang is back to sleeping in her own bed and through the night for the first time since January 18th.

Speaking of steps Baby Chang has started to walk. As her cousin declared "It's an Easter Miracle". Yes it was Easter Sunday and she took her first solo steps. The girl has no teeth but she's ready to go, go, go!

We hit the pool on Monday and are planning to go again tomorrow. I've yet to try lap swimming I think that has to wait a couple more weeks until I'm a little stronger.

Saturday Baby Chang, Grandma Chang and I head back for Houston. Next week it's back to doctor appointments. Starting Monday I go in for a CT Scan to see how things look. I'll get the results on Wednesday. I must say I'm not looking forward to returning to doctor appointments but I am hopeful the CT will keep me away from doctors for a few weeks...


  1. I am so happy for you! We will keep sending you all the good thoughts we have that things will be on the up and up from now on!

  2. Hurrah for no vomiting and no pain!

    I'm really proud of you for being so strong and now your body is starting to let you do what you want to do. Every day you're a little closer to being back to full health!

    And hurrah for Baby Chang for taking steps - how old is she now?

    Hang in there - you can do it!

  3. Go Baby Chang and Mama Chang!

    I miss your faces so much!!

    BIG HUGE Hugs from Minnesota...
