Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day Two

Well, day two has had it's ups and downs already. I was awake at 4:00 a.m. with nausea and try as I might I was unable to be come reacquainted with the porcelain god I knew so well a short 7 and 1/2 months ago. By 8:30 a.m. I was calling the Doctor's office to see if I could safely take the 3rd anti-nausea medication of the day.

At 1:15 Dad Chang and I were in the car on our way to radiation day two. It seemed easier and faster somehow today. Though there is this smell that is indescribable as I lay attached to a table with bright lights flashing all around me.

On my way to the doctor's office I received an amazing call from a friend who's father has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. With everything going on in his life he found the time to dial my number just to check in. I don't think he'll ever understand the effect that call had on me. By the time I walked out of the radiation lab I was feeling better -- although I must not have been feeling that good since I passed up a free massage.

When we got home I immediately lay down for a two hour nap. Waking up expecting to feel better was a bit of a disappointment when I couldn't answer the phone due to a scratchy throat. I was able to clear it up and talk briefly with the Prairie Dad who can't get here soon enough. I'm nervous that it is only day two and my throat is already a bit sore, I was hoping for a couple of weeks reprieve on this one.

Up until today I didn't feel sick even though I knew I was. Today may be the best I feel for the next seven weeks so I think I'll savor the hugs from Baby Chang that brighten my day.


  1. Much love to you Kristen. I am thinking of you and sending you much love. Suzy M.

  2. Ugh, I don't know what's worse... nausea or the result of nausea.

    Hope the sore throat stays at bay for as long as possible.

    Every day is one step closer!
