Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas is coming Mr. Chang is getting fat!

Okay so Christmas is here and Mr. Chang is getting fat. The best Doctor's orders I have received thus far is to gain weight. Yes you read correctly I have been advised by two of my three doctors to gain weight. I assure you NEVER in my life has a doctor advised me to gain weight. A number have told me to lose weight, but now when I'm the skinniest I've been as an adult I'm working to put it back on. So, I have been following doctors orders in anticipation of the start of treatment. In an attempt to gain the weight I have
1. Eaten the extra slice of pizza.
2. Eaten more Krispy Kreme donuts than ever before.
3. Turned into a Sugar Cookie (and I'm still going on this one).
4. Used full fat everything in my cooking.
5. Forgotten what fresh fruit looks like.
6. Bought Ice Cream at Babies R Us, they sell it near the register in Houston and Denver.
7. Drank more Egg Nog than is advisable.
8. Consumed as much Blue Moon ice cream as possible.

Today I'm saying BRING ON THE PRIME RIB (and the sugar cookies)!!!!

Over the next couple weeks I will be continuing to follow Doctor's orders by trying to eat all my favorites in a larger quantity than usual. If you'd like to join me in this endeavor let me know it's never fun to eat alone! I'm also taking suggestions on the best dishes that will go straight to my hips.

1 comment:

  1. Blue moon ice cream is my alltime childhood favorite! No one has ever heard of it. What a treat. Kristen, on a serious note - good luck to you as you begin this journey. You have an amazing sense of humor and self and I wish you all the best. Jonna
