Friday, August 30, 2013

New Year Resolutions

Ok so it isn't January 1st but it is the start of the school year.  My entire life I've lived by the academic schedule.  Both of my parents were teachers (otherwise known as saints) so when I was little their work schedule was the same as our school schedule.  As an adult I have always worked for a Performing Arts Organization whose schedule also followed the time frame of an academic schedule.  The season typically runs September to May with the summer months off or at least different employment for June, July and August.  So September always feels more like a new year and time for fresh starts.

Thus this time of year always leads to a few personal and sometimes professional resolutions.  Many of which I fail to complete just like the average New Year's Resolution.  Research has shown that telling people about your resolutions will help you keep them so I'm sharing them all with you (in no particular order).

1.  Workout during the season:  Usually once work ramps up my workouts become non-existent.  Well now that Baby Chang has to be at school at 7:45 a.m. (yep Baby Chang is in Pre-School don't' ask me how that's possible I DON'T KNOW) it means I can be to the gym by 8:00 and to work by 9:15.  This summer I have been averaging 4 workouts a week right now my goal is to just maintain that...

2.  Cut back the amount of Diet Soda I drink:  I don't drink coffee and I'm not a huge fan of tea so soda is my go to caffeine source.  I'm not ready to completely cut out caffeine but I wouldn't mind giving up the chemicals in diet soda.  Over the last couple months I have cut back but not nearly as much as I'd like.

3.  Find Me Time:  As a working Mom I often have guilt about taking me time when I have so few hours with Baby Chang.  However, I know I'm a better parent and a better partner when I make time for myself.

4.  Create a Realistic Budget:  Having and following a budget are things I've attempted multiple times but I don't think it's ever been realistic.  So I'm working to find a balance.

6.  Nurture Friendships:  Like my workouts, friendships get a little left behind during the season.  I have been lucky to make new friends this summer which I don't want to see fade because of my work schedule.  It makes it easier that they all have daughters Baby Chang's age, that allows me to combine time with Baby Chang and time with my friends.

7.  Blog More:  Enough said!

This should be enough until the New Year at least.  How about you does your New Year begin with the start of Fall?  Have you ever had any success with resolutions?


  1. Loving so many things about this. But Baby Chang in pre-school is a shocker!! I still remember the moment you told me she was on the way....what a sweet surprise she has turned out to be!

  2. First of all, Baby Chang in pre-school??? Say what???

    1. I'll root for you. I've been exercising 3x a week during the summer, I'm hoping to maintain 1-2x during my work intense year as well.

    2. What are you going to replace it with? Or are you just going to cutback on caffiene in general?

    3. I am learning the importance of me time as well.

    4. I totally hear you on that. I tried for a little while, but it's really hard. I wonder how disciplined I can be. Where are you looking for guidance on how to build it?

    6. Amen, sister. Making time for friends is important.

    and I'm all for #7!

    My new year starts on Tuesday... wish me luck! Maybe I'll make a similar post!
