Friday, June 21, 2013

Wisdom of a Toddler

Baby Chang turned 4 in May.  I'm not sure how that happened exactly.  Okay I know how it happened but I have no idea how four years have gone by so quickly.  Everyday something she says makes me laugh out loud.  There are so many times I wish a camera was rolling because no one will ever believe it or more importantly I won't remember it.  So I'm trying to remember to write more down.  Here are a few memorable favorites...

Baby Chang  "Ow it's hurting me!"
Prairie Dad "What's hurting you?"
Baby Chang "Your face!"

Baby Chang "Get me a knife"
Mr. Chang "Could you ask a little nicer?"

Baby Chang "This is not a problem"
"This" refers to anything we don't want her to do.

Baby Chang "Everyone knows the rule mom!"
Mr. Chang "What rule?"
Baby Chang "The rule I just told you."
Mr. Chang "Umm I think I missed something."
Baby Chang "The rule that when I get home I need something sweet and juicy and that is NOT a banana!"

Baby Chang "Thats bisgusting!" (or perhaps disgusting)

Baby Chang "Your rediclious!" 
Usually screamed at the top of her lungs when she doesn't like something we've done.

Baby Chang "Knock, Knock"
Mr. Chang "Who's there?"
Baby Chang "Banana"
Mr. Chang "Banana Who"
Baby Chang "Banana Baby Chang can I come in?"

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Look at her! Baby Chang is growing up so fast!!!

    (p.s. I'm glad you're posting again!)
