Friday, June 21, 2013

Wisdom of a Toddler

Baby Chang turned 4 in May.  I'm not sure how that happened exactly.  Okay I know how it happened but I have no idea how four years have gone by so quickly.  Everyday something she says makes me laugh out loud.  There are so many times I wish a camera was rolling because no one will ever believe it or more importantly I won't remember it.  So I'm trying to remember to write more down.  Here are a few memorable favorites...

Baby Chang  "Ow it's hurting me!"
Prairie Dad "What's hurting you?"
Baby Chang "Your face!"

Baby Chang "Get me a knife"
Mr. Chang "Could you ask a little nicer?"

Baby Chang "This is not a problem"
"This" refers to anything we don't want her to do.

Baby Chang "Everyone knows the rule mom!"
Mr. Chang "What rule?"
Baby Chang "The rule I just told you."
Mr. Chang "Umm I think I missed something."
Baby Chang "The rule that when I get home I need something sweet and juicy and that is NOT a banana!"

Baby Chang "Thats bisgusting!" (or perhaps disgusting)

Baby Chang "Your rediclious!" 
Usually screamed at the top of her lungs when she doesn't like something we've done.

Baby Chang "Knock, Knock"
Mr. Chang "Who's there?"
Baby Chang "Banana"
Mr. Chang "Banana Who"
Baby Chang "Banana Baby Chang can I come in?"

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

It has been an interesting day to scroll through my news feed on Facebook today.  You can learn a lot about your friends on a day like today.

There are the numerous posts about having the greatest Dad in the World or husbands who are the most amazing fathers.  All of course to be expected.

Then you have the posts from people whose fathers have passed away these are always hard for me to read.  I have been to more than my share of funerals but am thankful that none have been for my parents.  In fact, whenever I consider a day without them I am paralyzed with the thought of that grief.

Yesterday I spent time with a new friend who is not yet on my Facebook feed.  We met about a week ago in the locker room at the YMCA as we both struggled to get our kids dressed to head home.  She has twins the same age as Baby Chang.  Much to my delight her girls are also in the ballet class Baby Chang is taking for part of the summer.  To our surprise they were at the pool yesterday when we arrived.  While the girls splashed, swam and got to know each other in their four year old way we got to know each other better too.

She told me how they are here because her husband is going through treatment for Colon Cancer.  It was caught very late and had metastasized to his liver, lungs and lymph nodes.  He is continuing chemo to keep him alive for the next six months.

It got me thinking about her beautiful girls and how their memories of their dad will be of this time when he is desperately ill.  How lucky I am to have gone through treatment at a time when Baby Chang will have few memories of how sick I was.  I was thinking even more about how lucky I am that Grandpa Chang made it through his treatment with few side effects and he is here to celebrate another Father's Day.

Today I will celebrate this special day by remembering how amazing my own father is (and of course calling to wish him and Prairie Dad -- who is traveling -- Happy Father's Day) while thinking of those who may not have gotten as much time with their own fathers!